Hawk attack


Nov 20, 2020

Would like some advice please, Rachel one on my Rhode Island was attacked by a hawk yesterday.
It ripped her feathers out and scratched the top of her wing . It must have dropped her , she is limping, ( she can stand on it) but I can’t see any other injury .
I cleaned the puncture wounds and applied Hen Healer.
The other two are now pecking at her wounded wing, so I am going to isolate Rachel.
Rachel is eating and drinking small amount. Should I take her to a vet or just let her rest for the next five days or so
Await your advice ... Thanks
Okay, first of all welcome to BYC. :welcome
Second, you shouldn't need to take her to the vet. The biggest concern is her leg, is it swollen? Feel along it, is it broken?
It is a good idea to keep her isolated, but let her visit with the others so she doesn't loose her place in the pecking order, which could cause bullying.
Don't worry too much, chickens are incredible healers.
I hope this helps!

Would like some advice please, Rachel one on my Rhode Island was attacked by a hawk yesterday.
It ripped her feathers out and scratched the top of her wing . It must have dropped her , she is limping, ( she can stand on it) but I can’t see any other injury .
I cleaned the puncture wounds and applied Hen Healer.
The other two are now pecking at her wounded wing, so I am going to isolate Rachel.
Rachel is eating and drinking small amount. Should I take her to a vet or just let her rest for the next five days or so
Await your advice ... Thanks
I am sorry your chicken suffered that attack. I hope she heals ok. 😥


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Okay, first of all welcome to BYC. :welcome
Second, you shouldn't need to take her to the vet. The biggest concern is her leg, is it swollen? Feel along it, is it broken?
It is a good idea to keep her isolated, but let her visit with the others so she doesn't loose her place in the pecking order, which could cause bullying.
Don't worry too much, chickens are incredible healers.
I hope this helps!
Thank you so much for replying I really do appreciate it. I can’t feel anything, but am new to this.... should I leave the carrier in the coop with the other two .
Thank you so much for replying I really do appreciate it. I can’t feel anything, but am new to this.... should I leave the carrier in the coop with the other two .
My main concern is bullying, chickens tend to pick on other chickens. Her leg may just be sore, just keep an eye on it.
Thank you for replying, really appreciate it. How about the limp won’t it aggravate the limp ?
If she can't get around good enough to eat and drink, then......
If limp is really bothering them by inhibiting their normal activities too much, I will isolate them in a crate to 'force' rest for a day or two. Letting them out late in day, an hour before roost time, to give them a stretch and evaluate their mobility, then decide if they need another day and put them back in crate off roost after dark. Repeat stretch and eval the next day until they are better. Keep crate in coop so bird can remain 'with' the flock.

Best to put crate right in coop or run so bird is still 'with' the flock.
I like to use a fold-able wire dog crate (24"L x 18"W x 21"H) with smaller mesh(1x2) on bottom of crate under tray.
Then you can put tray underneath crate to better observe droppings without it being stepped in. If smaller mesh is carefully installed, tray can still be used inside crate.

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