Hawk protection?


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2017
I have two welsh harlequin ducks, and they have been attacked by a hawk twice in the past month. I can not keep them in their coop all day as it gets way too messy, and i don’t want to restrict their run much more than I already have. I am putting up large sail cloth tarps to block sight lines, but I can not cover the whole yard and I am still afraid that a hawk could get in. Does anyone have suggestions or ideas for hawk deterrent? I would love to set something up soon so they can get back to free ranging.

Chicken tractor as Centrarchid recommended. Or just keep them in the run until the hawk moves on. I'd guess right now he'll keep at it until he gets what he wants. Take the food away, so to speak, and he might leave. Otherwise I've heard stringing fishing line around could help.

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