Hawks :(

My spouse caught a hawk literally on our white paint silkie yesterday. Luckily, the hawk flew away, and the silkie only lost a few feathers but I still think the evil bugger will be back! ! >:-[ gosh! What can I do???!!!
We each can have our opinions.  But using your theory if the hawks are of a reasonable population size opinion, I don't see their continued need for protection.

And it can be hard to help a child accept that the hawk ate their pet.

Just tell the kid that its life and these hawks went almost extinct because people keep shooting them
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Spend a fortune to hire lawyers and wine and dine the right politicians.  Eventually you will be able to get rid of the hawk law and can shoot them all until they are a reasonable population size.

Shoot them all hah that's the exact thinking that got them almost extinct in the first place
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Sorry for your loss, it does always stink. Unfortunately, short I locking them up there isn't much you can do. Sounds like you've already done what you can. It's nature (boo lol), but don't give it up. Chickens are so fun to have around

This person is intelligent and educated realising its going to happen wether you like it or not your going to lose birds and the only way your not going to is to lock them up
Correction it is actually up to $100000 dollar fines and 3 years in jail and its a felony to kill a raptor
Actually, it's $15,000 and six months for common offenses. Only an aggravated incident would get you more than that. The average is about $5,000 and six month suspended. Either way, you shouldn't shoot them. There are lots of ways to protect your birds from them. I use a scare man that seems to work just fine. Also raising chickens that are larger than the average hawk is helpful as well. I provide my chickens with enough cover so that they can hide if needed. I also have a bird feeder on the other side of the farm that gives the hawks an ample supply of dove to eat. But, foamyownsyou, it isn't helpful to flame folks and call them names. Education is the best answer. Which is what this forum is supposed to be about.

Whether they were once "near extinct" or not red tails and Cooper's hawks now have the exact same conservation status as subway rats, look it up. They have the lowest status possible with regard to their numbers and if an "overprotected & thus overpopulated" status existed, that is what they would be. The law that protects them originated in 1916 and is still there only because nobody has made any real effort to update the species that may still need protection.

S.S.S. Do it without hesitation and most importantly without guilt. These killers are not endangered any more than the cockroach in your kitchen.

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