Hay with Molasses for Ducks?


5 Years
Apr 2, 2017
Rockland, Maine
My Coop
My Coop

I'd usually do my homework, but I'm in the barn with the sun setting and deep cold en route. I could use just a quick yay or nay please. We ran out of straw yesterday, and our local supplier is out. My better half came home with hay mixed with molasses (for dryness). Will that be okay in our duckhouse?

thats cow feed hay

if a short mole was in a room filled with tall moles what wouod he smell?
I'm not following. I know what it is, and I've used it for horses before but never with poultry. I wanted to know if it would potentially be a health issue for them. I can't think of why it would be, but there is a whole lot of expertise and experience here....so I thought I'd ask before dumping it in.
I really don’t think it will hurt them as long as they have plenty of water to drink in case they get the munchies. I bought Timothy hay for my geese once and some of my chickens ate it and got impacted crop
Thanks! They have 24/7 access to heated water in their run. I'm using this hat in the duckhouse proper.

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