Head bob?

Is she an only duck?

That is flirting behavior around here.
She is an only duck, I'm working on getting a call duck, she's very sweet and little so I don't want a larger duck that could push her around, they are hard to find around where I live. But yay okay so she just likes me:)) woohoo I'm a good mommy, I was worried it was a threat or something like she was scared
Awww yaaaay:) she's very smart and very spoiled so I hope she feels the love:) she is very aware of who mommy is too I was the first thing she saw and I take care if her and give get all my attention. I take her everywhere I can to stimulate her and keep her happy plus it's good to keep her social with people other than just me, so I'm very glad that its a happy gesture:))
I've got three Abacot Rangers who were 4 weeks old when they came here and they have always done it, I think there are variations though - the girls will bob up and down in greeting, or when they are reunited after a panicky five seconds apart, but recently they've started to bob only to the left with a little dance when they are waddling around with the boy. They are getting on for six months old now and a delight to have, even if it was accidental and has wrecked my garden :D

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