
Sep 15, 2019
We just rescued 7 roosters a few days ago and it seems that 6 of them think that the 7th is a hen. This does make sense because none of them have ever seen a hen. This poor guy has a huge hard bump on the top of his head where the other roosters keep trying to grab him when they attempt to mount the terrified and overly-complacent bird. Should we take him to the vet or is there something we should be doing at home? (He is currently separated from the other chickens, but is temporarily in the duck barn.)
Well, we plan to find homes for the ones who can't get along. Unfortunately, if we can't find them homes, they will either go to another barn where they won't be able to free-range or they will have to be butchered (worst part of my job).
He should heal up now that he's separated. Unfortunately that happens with hormonal roosters. What are your plans for all the roosters? Some can get along and others won't.
Also, we are getting 20 more hens in the next few days, so I am hoping that will help solve the confused rooster problem.
We will have approximately 35 hens at this point, so do you think still 2-3 roosters?
It can depend on the individual roosters, but generally 10-15 hens a rooster is supposed to spread out the mating. Sometimes a rooster will pick an easy submissive hen and just mate her constantly so numbers don't matter with that type of rooster.

I generally start weeding out the troublemakers. By the time I get down near the bottom roosters I find some respectful good roosters. You have a lot to choose from, so hopefully you can find 3 that work well together.

3 is better than 2 roosters as any aggression between them is spread out a bit instead of just 2 roosters going at it constantly.

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