head shaking- whats wrong?

they are red sex link and yes they are laying.. i posted a pic of a triple yolk egg recently..my rhode island red hasn't started laying yet. i just see so many start a twice yearly worming . wasn't sure if i should or not
Just wanted to say that I have a couple hens that have always done that little shake, from the time they were maturing till their age now, just under four years old. No pests here. It's like a tic or something; and I noticed that when the flock is on the roost and just falling asleep, a bunch of them do tiny headshakes.
That's interesting, Cyn, and good info. to know. I think I've gone through a few illnesses with my chooks that I've gotten to be on "high alert," and things that to most seasoned chicken folk would seem normal, I panic about. I need to just RELAX a bit I think! Hopefully that's all that's going on with your girls, wildorchid - however, since you saw the odd dandruff-like flakes at the base of the feather shafts, I'd strongly urge you to go ahead with dusting them. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
I know this is an old thread, however I found it after using the search method as I am having a similar issue with my EE hen. She is 10 Weeks old, and has ALWAYS done this sort of Head Flick. She does it pretty often, though not one after the other. She did it as a small week old chick too. I assumed lices/mites early on and all of them have been wormed and I have been sprinkling food grade DE in the coop. Still she flicks. There is nothing on her feather shafts or in her ears that would indicate any infectation, and the others are not doing it EVER. Maybe Neurlogical? Nervous twitch?
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I was just searching for an answer also and found this thread. I have a one week old BO that is shaking his head quite a bit and kind opening his beak as if he wants to yawn. We got him from the local feed store and he is inside for now in a box by himself until he is big enough to move in with the rest of the gang. The only food that he has had is the chick starter crumbles. He has not been privy to any treats yet. I did see other posts that mentioned gapeworm and the primary source was from eating worms but I didn't know if that was a possibility since he hasn't had worms or bugs. I don't notice any other problems with him. Any advice is appreciated.
I'm sorry that I am unable to offer advice on this subject even though I did alot of research on this in December. One of my Silkie chicks has done this head bob/shake since he was hatched in December. I eventually concluded that his was some type of neurological disorder (congenital? He will not be used for breeding just in case). He is a beautiful, healthy big boy now and his head shaking is still as constant as ever. He gets along perfectly : except for running into an occasional wall!
I just noticed my new silkie chick doing this! I know my pullet pecked at him a few times so maybe she caused some head trauma? Either way, he will be fine then all of a sudden his head will get a tick and will bob for a few seconds then he is fine again. I hope he is going to be ok :(
I just noticed my new silkie chick doing this! I know my pullet pecked at him a few times so maybe she caused some head trauma? Either way, he will be fine then all of a sudden his head will get a tick and will bob for a few seconds then he is fine again. I hope he is going to be ok
Hi JacquiJ...can you get him on some Vit E and selenium? Break open a capsule of Vit E and put the liquid in his beak. Doing this for about a week can bring chicks around, I've found. My chick that had it is over a year old now and I didn't know about the Vit E and selenium. He is on it now and it is making some improvement, but he still bobs his head. On the bright side he is perfectly normal in every other way and is the "hall monitor" for my juvie pen...a very happy boy!
Hi JacquiJ...can you get him on some Vit E and selenium? Break open a capsule of Vit E and put the liquid in his beak. Doing this for about a week can bring chicks around, I've found. My chick that had it is over a year old now and I didn't know about the Vit E and selenium. He is on it now and it is making some improvement, but he still bobs his head. On the bright side he is perfectly normal in every other way and is the "hall monitor" for my juvie pen...a very happy boy!

Ok thank you! I've been so worried about him. Luckily, like yours he is perfectly normal other than the head bob.

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