Heading out of town.... When can I remove the heatlamp?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2017
Hello all,

I'm new at this so bear with me. I have 2 chicks, about 3 1/2 weeks old. I have the brooder in my house so the temps never drop below 65. I am a worry wort so I hate leaving the heat lamp on while we're not home. We have to head out of town and will be leaving the chicks alone for a couple days. Can I leave them with out the heat lamp on? The brooder is by a window so they get a sunshine in the morning and lots of natural light during the day. Thanks in advance!
I do not, we will only be gone 2 nights. There's only 2 so they don't go through too much food/water.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

I have single pane, so next to a window migh be the coldest location during the night.

With only 2 they won't be able to create that much huddle warmth. But... I think mine are pretty close to off heat if indoors for the night at that temp by that age.

Try it before you leave town and see how distressed they seem. Do you have them off heat during the day right now?

ETA: you could always get a heating pad with a bypass for the auto shut off and put against the wall if you really thought you need to.
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Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I have single pane, so next to a window migh be the coldest location during the night.

With only 2 they won't be able to create that much huddle warmth. But... I think mine are pretty close to off heat if indoors for the night at that temp by that age.

Try it before you leave town and see how distressed they seem. Do you have them off heat during the day right now?

ETA: you could always get a heating pad with a bypass for the auto shut off and put against the wall if you really thought you need to.

The window is double pane and its about 3 feet away from it. Close enough to get the sun but not too close for drafts.
I do not leave the heat lamp on them during the day right now but i do put a couple hot water bottles in with them and cover the brooder part way. It's been working great and they're not stressed at all when I get home. I will leave it partially covered when we go out of town. I was thinking of maybe adding a small "shelf" type thing made of wood that would be just big enough for them to sleep under. They seem pretty bonded and like to cuddle so I was thinking if they're cold at night they could head under there and keep each other warm.

Thanks for all the repsonses!
When are you leaving? You might try seeing how they do without heat starting right now. If you are very concerned, you could turn the household heat up to 70* while you are gone. But, they should be fine w/o heat.
The window is double pane and its about 3 feet away from it. Close enough to get the sun but not too close for drafts.
I do not leave the heat lamp on them during the day right now but i do put a couple hot water bottles in with them and cover the brooder part way. It's been working great and they're not stressed at all when I get home. I will leave it partially covered when we go out of town. I was thinking of maybe adding a small "shelf" type thing made of wood that would be just big enough for them to sleep under. They seem pretty bonded and like to cuddle so I was thinking if they're cold at night they could head under there and keep each other warm.

Thanks for all the repsonses!
After this discussion I was like... well, it's above 60 in my house and I have 18 to make huddle warmth, which is close to number of day old chicks required for shipping warmth.

Yesterday was their first day to pasture and when I brought them in they were tuckered out and settled down in a nice huddle. They slept all night without a peep and are happy as ever this morning, temp is 62. They are NN Turken and Silkies all about 10 days old.

I think you will probably be OK, and especially since they have been without day time heat already.

As far as the shelf goes, if they already hang out there, then it may add the warmth your hoping for. But if they don't realize it's a huddle location, they may be sleeping on top of the shelf or just outside of it.
But whatever you wanna try is great for learning and experience. Ya just never know what might happen. And we alll get to benefit from your knowledge received!
Update! They did great and are officially moved outside


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Update! They did great and are officially moved outside

Glad to hear it!

I moved my 18 outside last night. They were quite upset so I mowed for a few minutes until they hushed so they wouldn't attract all the predators in the state. Our overnight low was 49, day time high was 59. I figure if they can ship 15+ birds on hatch day across the country, my 18 should be able to handle it.

Your girls are little cuties! :love

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