Health food stores?


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
I dont think a bunch of people at farmers market will be wanting quail eggs much but maybe health food stores?Ill try to gize em a dozen and see how they like it.Any of you have a busness selling quail eggs anywere really well?
You haven't even got your first egg to sale & you are already give up on a free location. If your farther is already there selling then you need to put your product there right beside of his. I don't care if I was selling rocks I would have some displayed at his stand. If no one knows your selling them then you wont sell them.
King Is Right Here.... And There's Always A Market If You Look--- The Health Food Stores Would Likely Go With The Idea, But More Than Likely They Have To Come From A Usda Approved And Inspected Facility, So That May Not Work Out So Good.... You Can Always Sell Fertile Eggs For Hatching.
I am gonna be selling at his stand too but.....I just dont think many people will like them.Before I even learned about quail I thought there eggs might be gross to try,and thats why I think people wont like them.If they see one at a health food store there not going to be grossed out but think of it as very healthy.OHH I JUST REMEMBERED SOMTHING,at the place were my dad goes to farmers market there alot of vendors,hes the market manager and a guy across the street built a fancy restraunt and wants some of my dads organic vegtable products.If He sees quail eggs by our stand when he walks up I bet hes gonna want some!
why not boil up a few doz "samples" that might help talk some people into it! nothing like free food to make you hungry...
I don't know about your market that you are trying to sell at but the market that I go to I have to put an order in a week ahead to get some quail eggs - fertile or infertile. They are gone that quick!
hmm I guess selling them there will workout pretty well.
My dad already sells fresh chickens eggs there soo maybe the people who gets his eggs will try some quail eggs.And I guess its better anyways becouse ill have to charge a lower price if I sell them at a health foos store.How does $3.00 or $2.50 sound for a dozen?
Do you have any cooking skills? Make tiny deviled eggs for samples, I'll even give you the recipie if you need.

Is there an asian population there? Quail eggs are perfect for bento boxes, they even make egg molds to pretty them up.
hmm I guess selling them there will workout pretty well.
My dad already sells fresh chickens eggs there soo maybe the people who gets his eggs will try some quail eggs.And I guess its better anyways becouse ill have to charge a lower price if I sell them at a health foos store.How does $3.00 or $2.50 sound for a dozen? don't need to sell them for less because they're smaller than chicken eggs! You should sell them for MORE because they're more difficult to find.....but not $10/egg
people tent to poke fun at you for that one...

Here's my opinion....try $5/doz or 3 doz for $10 or 7 doz for $20. It'll keep you from having to make so much change and also encourage people to buy more than one at a time....have a 1/2 off sign premade so that at the end of the day you can move what remains of your product. It also wouldn't hurt to go ahead and figure prices for 150, 200, 250, etc eggs in case someone wants to buy in bulk to incubate! You get better results when you can look someone in the eye and shoot them a price rather than grabbing a pencil and paper and fumbling to figure it out...

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