healthy hen not laying, not moulting


9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
Leesburg, Ohio
hi guys....i've researched this all over the internet and have done searches on this site.....still i can't figure out why my 8 month old SCM has not laid ONE egg in well over a month....maybe longer. she WAS laying....i don't understand. her other 3 friends are laying just fine. but not her. she's healthy, she's not moulting. i've examined her. i don't get it. i thought they only stopped laying eggs during a moult. and i thought during the cold months, or very hot months, they may SLOW their egg laying, but to give it up all together??
I'm tempted to give her away to a lady that i know that also has chickens. but maybe i need to give her more of a chance? any thoughts?
Some slow down in winter, some stop. Also, sometimes they molt so mildly you don't recognize it, especially if others are molting and you already have feathers around. She'll no doubt start again in spring if not sooner.
My BOs have stopped laying... I figure I will just have to be patient and wait until spring for them.
But I am rejoicing that my EEs (pullets) are laying one a day each (most days) and when they skip a day (they must be on the same cycle, it is two or nothing with them), my RIR lays a big honking one to make up for it... and on really awesome days, I get three (two aqua and a honking brown).
Shortening day length has an effect on egg production. It affects some birds and breeds more than others. She may not lay again until spring or until you add supplemental lighting. Just a normal chicken reaction to environmental changes. As you will find there are many factors in addition to molting that affect egg production.

My cochins stopped for the winter. Friend of a friend's orpingtons also stopped. It happens. Because you're further south than us, they'll probably pick back up end of Feb.
i think she actually IS moulting! i'm surprised! i just figured when they moulted they looked terrible....but ur right, i believe she's moulting just a bit. i don't see any of her friends feathers anywhere, but i see her feathers here and there, not alot, but they're definately falling out little by little! poor girl! and just to think, we were labeling her a slacker.

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