heard the first crow out of my roo this morning :)


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
Newark, DE
While out putting food in their dishes before i head to work, i heard a weak crow from inside the coop. . . than a few mins later i hear him again but just a little bit louder this time, and then one more time that was about as loud as the second. He is just over 6 months now. I am so proud of him lol
my baby boy is growing up lol
youll be suppriesed they may like it ,

i thought my neighbours would hate me as he started to crow but its backwards the neighbours love him i hate him !!!
well not realy hate

just dont like getting up at 5 inthe morning to quiet himdown for that extra hours kip which i didnotget today ! :(
they do make some lovely sounds ! enjoy

I am probably weird in that I LOVE the sound of a crow. Just like I love the sound of the neighbor's cattle mooing, or the occasional whinny or donkey bray at the horse farm down the road.
I definately enjoy the farm sounds myself, and my roo was crowing inside the closed in coop so if he does that at 5am I am ok with that, cant hear him in the house so i know the neighbors cant hear him in the house right now either. Its just that I live in town right now, and am technically not supposed to even have chickens(I am an outlaw lol), so I dont want my roo aggrivating anyone, because then he will be forced to go, good thing my lease is up in april and I plan to move to a chicken friendly place, actually looking at a house right now with 4.7acre

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