Heart breaking day on the farm...

Our neighbor's dog just got out and killed our special needs rooster. Though they were the opposite of your situation, the actually asked if I wanted them to put the dog down. While people say it isn't the dogs fault, it still kind of is. Yes, it's instincts, but is it not a cat's fault when it kills a sparrow?

I would try to solve it without anymore lives lost, but you are in the right to defend the rest of your birds and any future ones you get, even if it means the dog loses its life next time
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty , cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
I don’t believe you can legally end his life . You maybe able to go to court and be reimbursed for your hens and ducks and may also receive compensation for pain/suffering. None of that takes away the loss of your babies. I’m so sorry , heartfelt sorry , for your loss. If it were me I’d get a paintball gun and shoot him every chance you had. It hurts terribly but won’t kill him . He’ll never see it coming just like they didn’t .
I am soo sorry for your loss! Especially in that manner. I think the more the more frightening issue is your child, God forbid.
I would definitely get some mace, or dog pepper spray. I would also send him a certified letter notifying him of what took place (even if you already have had a verbal conversation), enclosed with an invoice to replace the birds. Hate to say it but people take notice when there is money on the table. In the letter, I would also state that the dog is not allowed on your property for fear of your child's safety. Stating something to the effect, "If the dog does step on my property I have no choice but to take legal action."
Again, I am soo sorry about your birds....I have 7 German Shepherds that are great with the chickens and a high fence encompassing 1/2 acre of my property to ensure they do not wander into someone's yard! Good luck.....
~Im bobo’s wife
They have denied claims to the animal (Which we knew would happen), our law enforcement has let us know they are drawing up a warrant because the people seemed to refuse cooperate with him as well. We told the authorities everything that happened, Showed the pictures I had taken of the scene. We aren’t after the people which they fail to understand & since they have denied the animal once the authorities find him they have no right to get upset. The officer has labeled him vicious & needs to be taken in & if he bites them like it did my husband than he will be put down. Thank you for all the support you have given my husband in this time of need. Taken the time out of y’all lives just to talked to really meant the world. Probably kept him from charging next door to grab the dog himself lol.
Right now we’re waiting for the authorities to call back to let us know how to pursue. We’ve secured the rest of pens & will be investing for something for entire yard to make sure this won’t happen again ❤
you said you have a daughter that spends time with yer chickens. what are you going to do when (not if) this dog comes back? or one of the other dogs? even a small dog can maul and disfigure her for life.
invest in a .22 revolver (low price, easy to use, reliable) and learn how to use it. you have a right, no, an obligation to protect yourself, your family, your livestock, and your property. 911 and the authorities only happen after the fact.
I have 3 dogs, and 4 hens. they are my girls. each one has their own personality. I understand how you feel
I so sorry that happened to you. I think I would be just as upset if something like that happened to my quackers. I just love them so much. Who would have thought you could love ducks this much! I know it would be hard to look at after, but I do hope you took pictures of everything. I would certainly have animal control handle it and make sure something is done with those dogs. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. I have 2 of my own and they are very good around my quackers. But something needs to be done with those dogs. They are a pack, they can get very dangerous as a pack. Today chickens or livestock, tomorrow a young child or even a human.
I don’t believe you can legally end his life . You maybe able to go to court and be reimbursed for your hens and ducks and may also receive compensation for pain/suffering. None of that takes away the loss of your babies. I’m so sorry , heartfelt sorry , for your loss. If it were me I’d get a paintball gun and shoot him every chance you had. It hurts terribly but won’t kill him . He’ll never see it coming just like they didn’t .
You know what would be cool is if you could get paintballs filled with skunk spray. Dogs at large might not be so common if they come home reeking of skunk!
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty ,cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
Check local laws regarding livestock and dog control. In our area, dogs who harass or attack livestock can be shot or put down by animal control. Owners must be in control of their dogs at all times. There are also leash laws in most areas.
I have ne relationship with them I just try to mind my business they don’t keep there hard cut or house clean and the herd of ferial dogs the call pets have been running creek for months killing my grandmas cats I tried no lethal ways of keep them away and it word for months and I got up to feed and they were dead all over the yard and the dog was still trapped trying to kill my game rooster in the pen and tried to bite me ,they do not care about these start muttts that roam the yard and .... just filled with anger and hurt just trying to not start a fight and get law enforcement envolved I contacted themand animal control after it happend I just don’t think they will solve the problem idk I don’t mean to sound like a cry baby but it’s got me really ****ed up I knew some support from the members might help thanks for yalls reply means a lot in the time.
I would sue them in small claims court for 2,500 dollars. What nasty people.

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