Heat Lamp Trouble


Nov 22, 2019
I have a standard 250 watt red light heat lamp. I have moved my chicks out side and it is cold so I will need the lamp on especially tonight. Well I plugged it in and the bulb starts to fog up from the inside (the outside is clean ) and smells really funny. The "fog" it produces is so thick that even though it lights up you can feel no heat. I haven't left it plugged up for more than 5 min cause of the smell. I'm really in a bind right now and have no other option than this heat lamp. Any suggestions on what's going on an how 2 fix it?
If your chicks have all their feathers and everything they shouldn't need a heatlamp. I don't use heat lamps because:
-They don't need it. It's a waste of electricity and time. Chickens are tough little creatures.
-If the electricity were to suddenly go out mid-winter than the chickens would be so used to the extra heat that they would freeze.
-Fire safety.
-It drains their life faster. Winter is a laying break for chickens, and if they don't get that break than their life will waste away much faster.

Whatever's wrong over there, good luck!
You can't repair a failed lamp of any type. There has to be a vacuum inside the lamp and the seal is broken.
While they aren't perfect, ceramic heat emitters are much more reliable and slightly more efficient. Since they don't produce light, they are better for raising chicks 24/7 so they can have a daily dark period.
A better choice is a heat plate like the Premier1. They will pay for themselves in electricity savings and are very safe.
In the meantime, till you can get one or the other, Perhaps you could heat stones or bricks by boiling or in a fire or other technique. Do you have an electric blanket?
I don't recommend getting more heat lamps since they are quite fragile.
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How old are your chicks, how many of them are there and what is your low temperature going to be?
Do you not have access to a store where you can get a replacement or better yet a ceramic emitter?
What part of the world are you in?
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I have a standard 250 watt red light heat lamp. I have moved my chicks out side and it is cold so I will need the lamp on especially tonight. Well I plugged it in and the bulb starts to fog up from the inside (the outside is clean ) and smells really funny. The "fog" it produces is so thick that even though it lights up you can feel no heat. I haven't left it plugged up for more than 5 min cause of the smell. I'm really in a bind right now and have no other option than this heat lamp. Any suggestions on what's going on an how 2 fix it?
Move them back inside?
Were you using the same lamp inside?
Sounds like you avoided a real disaster.

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