Heat lamp use?


10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
Tully, NY
I have my almost 7 week old chicks on my closed and slightly heated porch. The chicks are in a 5'x5' pen we built with covered sides and only chicken wire on top. We have been keeping a heat lamp on and they have been comfortable. My question is when can they tolerate cooler temps. I want to get them out in the coop soon but I live upstate NY and it still gets down in the 30's most nights. I plan on having a heat lamp for them but am wondering if it will be enough. Any advice?
Hi there. Congrats on your little ones. I live in Oregon and had my chicks outside without a heat lamp at 6 weeks. If you have a heat lamp, then they should be able to go out no problem. Heat lamp is surely enough for them. Hope this helps.

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