Heat wave - worried about my girls!


May 13, 2022
Little Rock AR
I’m a new chicken mama and I’m so worried about my girls!

I’m in Arkansas and it’s going to be in the high 90’s for the next 2 weeks with a heat index of 105. The temp inside the run today was 94.

The run is covered and gets a nice breeze. They have electrolytes and plain water. I lightly misted the run floor and put a fan in it today, along with some ice and a pan of cool water. They weren’t at all interested in the ice or water. But they were panting and a couple had their wings out. I got so worried I dunked them in a bucket of water which stopped the panting for a little bit.

Other than the panting and moving around less, they seemed ok. Sometimes I even caught them sunbathing in sunny spots.

I won’t be home all day every day like I was today so I’m worried how they’re going to make it through the week.

What else can I do?

I have silver laced Wyandottes and speckled Sussex - all about 7 weeks old.


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You’re doing all the right things. My birds like to lay in damp, cool soil. At night I wet the ground for them where they tend to gather and by the next morning it’s cool and damp with less humidity than a puddle. Although puddles have their uses. Keep up the electrolytes and plain water and maybe give treats that naturally have water like cucumbers and melons. Deep shade and hydration along with plenty of ventilation in the coop and they’ll typically be ok.
Hey! Fellow Arkansan here! Heat index 112 where I am. My girls usually run and stand near the AC unit in the shade for relief in the heat. I also will put out frozen watermelon or other treats for them. Shade and water are so important. Hoping yours do fine. This is our 2nd summer with our girls (they’ll be 2 beginning of August)
Hey! We’re in Little Rock. Where are you?

I was gone all day today and they seemed to have done just fine. 😊
With good shade and water available they should be fine. I would provide 2 water sources just in case 1 source fails in some way.
Thanks for the tip!
You’re doing all the right things. My birds like to lay in damp, cool soil. At night I wet the ground for them where they tend to gather and by the next morning it’s cool and damp with less humidity than a puddle. Although puddles have their uses. Keep up the electrolytes and plain water and maybe give treats that naturally have water like cucumbers and melons. Deep shade and hydration along with plenty of ventilation in the coop and they’ll typically be ok.
Thank you! It’s good to hear from others who are more experienced.
Thank you for the tips and reassurance! Today I was gone all day. I left a couple bottles of frozen water and a big ice block along with the fan and they seemed to have done fine.

I appreciate this site so much! It’s great to hear from more experienced chicken parents. 💛

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