Heated Waterers

i just bought 2 heated dog water bowls.. the K&H ones, like $18 on amazon.. and they work sooooo great.. one in the coop and one outside in the run.. super cold temps here last week.. like 1 degree and windy and THEY NEVER FROZE OVER.. i was so impressed.. i couldn't fathom buying 2 more steel gravity ones that will rust again, plus heated water bases..
I use a 5 gallon bucket with horizontal nipples and a stock tank deicer. Never a problem freezing and clean water 24/7. I use gallon jugs to refill it.

K&H Thermal Outdoor Heated Water Bowl - we have been very happy so far with this heated bowl. We paid $20 for it and it's well worth the investment. We also have it raised on some paver stones, it's plugged into a Farm Innovators TC-3 Cold Weather Thermo Cube Thermostatically Controlled Outlet. I change the water daily so this is not an issue for us. So far they have kept the water as clean as possible throughout the day, an occasional piece of straw or two.
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Yes I bought a heated dog bowl this winter (the 3 gallon,green,20$ Type)
So far there’s only one drawback (no biggie) I have to fill it just right so the sparrows don’t drink/poop in it. Two inches below the rim works!
My old waterers they’d poop like crazy in it so I’m happy.
I just take a dump bucket and a full watering can (also 3 gal)
With me into the run when I want to change the water out for fresh. It’s not heavy to pick up. And the chickens can’t tip it over!
For me it’s a great water bowl. I’m very happy with it.
I use a system similar to blackdog043 except I use a 10 gallon tote with lid instead of the bucket. Should add that aart uses a large jug instead. Has kept my water thawed for 4 years now at temperatures down to -22. I'd say it's reliable. The only expensive part of this system is the stock tank deicer at $45. However when you realize the deicer has been used for 4 years now that isn't too expensive. I am fortunate to have a heated well house nearby. I hook up a hose in there and can fill the tote once a week.

Friends use the heated dog dish. Only problem I have with that is that the water gets dirty and it requires frequent filling. I am 67 and am afraid of going out in the snow any more than I need to go.
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