HeavensHens88's Chat Thread!

Thank you Sarah, BYC is making me feel at home. I think I'm going nuts starting my beautiful new flock!
As of today I have the eight chicks I wanted for my flock, and my chicks are so cute and tame and they love me, I love them, JESUS loves me,
and I LOVE HIM too!
I am new to this BYC venue, but I am a fast learner. I pray to the Lord for blessings upon you and Happiness and peace, Joy and love. amen!

PS: Your birds are beautiful!!
Thank you Sarah, BYC is making me feel at home. I think I'm going nuts starting my beautiful new flock!
   As of today I have the eight chicks I wanted for my flock, and my chicks are so cute and tame and they love me, I love them, JESUS loves me,
and I LOVE HIM too! 
   I am new to this BYC venue, but I am a fast learner. I pray to the Lord for blessings upon you and Happiness and peace, Joy and love. amen!

PS: Your birds are beautiful!!

Just to make sure there aren't any mix ups in the future, my name is Zelda (no lie) and the thread starters name is Sarah ;)
And if you had that figured out already, Hi! My name is Peep aka Zelda :p
Thank you Sarah, BYC is making me feel at home. I think I'm going nuts starting my beautiful new flock!
   As of today I have the eight chicks I wanted for my flock, and my chicks are so cute and tame and they love me, I love them, JESUS loves me,
and I LOVE HIM too! 
   I am new to this BYC venue, but I am a fast learner. I pray to the Lord for blessings upon you and Happiness and peace, Joy and love. amen!

PS: Your birds are beautiful!!

Hello Allen!I myself don't read the bible, pray or go to church, but I believe Jesus is our Lord and he does protect us during hard times.
I'm Kyndra, or Cluck.Im a absolute chicken addict, owning 10 chickens and a ducky who I love!
XD I've had a few girls like that over the years -ehem Spyke

Whoaaaa, that's so cool! I'm a christian, and so is HeavensHens (aka Sarah)!

What bout me! I can't believe I was left out! jk

I'm also a Christian @featherhead007 !
Oops, sorry bout getting the names wrong~:oops:

Welcome to our chat thread Allen! :frow
It's always amazing to find other Christians on BYC!!!! :woot
I'm a Christian homeschooler teen, just like KindaFarmGal and Zelda, and I have 21 chickens, 20 peacocks, 15 geese, and a large assortment of other animals.
Wings of Wishes,
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*interminable sigh*
Would you believe my phone is maxed out on 150 STINKING PICTURES!!!!!!!! And now that it's maxed out, it comes up with error messages every time I try to post a picture to the web...
And my mom took her laptop to work with her- the only resource available that can post pictures on line. :mad:
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I tries deleting 50 pics.... still no avail.
It could be that I text too much and my mailbox is overflowing- even though I only text my mom..... :p

Time to get a new memory card.

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