HeavensHens88's Chat Thread!

Yay! Now I don't have to pay for my flight to Brazil!

Night, Zelda! :hugs
So I guess we'll see you in four days... :hit
WITH AMIRA!!!!!! :celebrate


But just a heads up, it may be a bit before you actually get good pictures of her. My plan is to take pictures of her with my camera at her current house, then get a couple on my kindle once we're back at Granny's. :D

Got five splinters in the top of my finger. Not sure if we got the last one out. Finger is so sore from digging at splinters so I can't tell if there's one more. My finger is swollen and there's a goofy black dot that we don't know what it is :confused:
What'd you do to your thumb?

Ooh, ouch *cringe*
She caught it on the chicken coop latch :/

Can't wait to see pics!

I messed up my finger bad too. I said I think it'd probably be less painful to cut my finger off

Wow- that bad? :hugs How'd you do it?
I turned autospell on now so my spelling isn't so erroneous. Still don't have any feeling whatsoever in my thumb. :he

Got five splinters in the top of my finger. Not sure if we got the last one out. Finger is so sore from digging at splinters so I can't tell if there's one more. My finger is swollen and there's a goofy black dot that we don't know what it is :confused:
What'd you do to your thumb?

:tongue That sounds really painful. :hugs
I caught my thumb in the chicken coop latch. STILL can't move it or feel anything. :he

Guys, bad news... or good news, it really depends.
My search for chicks has started over yet again. My mom and I couldn't figure out how to preorder chicks from Cackle Hatchery so now we are going to be getting our chicks from a feed store near us called Dodge Grain in July or August. Apparently they sell chicks year round' but it doesn't say which chicken breeds they will have in July or Agust and I REALLY want turkens. They may not have turkens in either of those two months and I don't think they'll have silkies :barnie so I don't even know if I'll get the chickens that I want!!!

Go with chickens for Backyards!They have Turkens and Silkies and many more!
The silks are SR bit still!

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