Height requirement for run underneath coop


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2020
Hello! I'm new to this forum. I've kept ducks in the past, have never kept chickens before, but would like to try keeping both together (ducks are incredibly fun, but I prefer chicken eggs!). What I've read has convinced me to make the coop (for night-time safe-keeping only) of plywood, but also to place the floor at least one foot above the ground to discourage rats. Does this make sense? I'd like to place the coop in the run so that the chickens and ducks can use the space beneath the coop during the day as part of their run. But I'd like to keep the entire thing on the shorter side (5 feet or less) so the sturdy top can be a fort for my grandsons.... My question is how far off the ground does the coop need to be in order for ducks and chickens to be comfortable underneath it? I can't remember how tall ducks stand. I do not want to have runner ducks this time, perhaps Silver Appleyard ducks. Thank you!
18" is a good minimum for standard sized birds.
Might not be enough for you to crawl under tho......stubborn/sick bird, egg, etc.

But I'd like to keep the entire thing on the shorter side (5 feet or less) so the sturdy top can be a fort for my grandsons.
The kids are going to play on the roof of the coop!?
Roof of coop needs to be waterproof and pitched to shed rain/snow melt.
Plus not sure the birds would appreciate the clamor. :gig

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