
6 Years
Jan 18, 2014
Sebastopol, CA
Help please. I have a group of month old runner ducklings. Live in a brooder in garage. No heat but in insulated garage. Eating starter they have been on since birth with grit and brewers yeast added. Pine shavings. One was lethargic yesterday afternoon. Pit electrolytes in water (We are on a well). Isolated her. She died last night Just now I went out to do the noon water refresh and another one is dead! Help! :barnie
Help please. I have a group of month old runner ducklings. Live in a brooder in garage. No heat but in insulated garage. Eating starter they have been on since birth with grit and brewers yeast added. Pine shavings. One was lethargic yesterday afternoon. Pit electrolytes in water (We are on a well). Isolated her. She died last night Just now I went out to do the noon water refresh and another one is dead! Help! :barnie
Sorry. Title was suppose to say help please
What is the temp in your garage at 4 weeks they need to be around 70*
Also do they get to go outside for fresh air and sunshine? What about your bedding is it wet or damp? mold can build up fast in damp bedding and if they inhale can cause serious respiratory problems.

So sorry for your loss.
What is the temp in your garage at 4 weeks they need to be around 70*
Also do they get to go outside for fresh air and sunshine? What about your bedding is it wet or damp? mold can build up fast in damp bedding and if they inhale can cause serious respiratory problems.

So sorry for your loss.

Do yo think too much brewers yeast could do it? The garage is warm. We are in CA. We change their bedding daily so shouldn't be a mold problem.
I am not sure if you can over dose with Brewers yeast. Do they always have plenty of water when they eat and bowl deep enough to dunk their heads? I'd get them outside with supervision and let them run around the yard get some fresh air and sunshine exercise. Do you have an outside coop and pen for them?

Only way to know exactly what is going on is to have one that died necropsied @casportpony lives in CA and could probably get you headed in the right direction on where to send the body.

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