

7 Years
Jan 11, 2013
i am a highschool ffa member who is raising my first chickens and i dont know the starting humidty and tempature of the incupator
any help would be great
99.5 for forced air incubators
100.5-101 for still air incubators ( at the top of the egg level)
Humidity depending on dry hatch or normal is 35-50% for the first 18 days then up it to 65-75% till the hatch is done
What kind of incubator will you be useing ?
WIll you have a turner or will you be hand turning?
Well to raise humidity you simply add water. The water tray location varies depending upon the type of incubator you're using. Temperature is set using the thermostat. Are you hand turning the eggs or did you get an automatic turner? If hand turning you need to do this at least three times a day, more if you can (studies show that hens shuffle their eggs around an average of 90 times a day!). Write X on one side of the egg with a pencil and Y on the other so you know which side you turned them to last time. Good luck!

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