Hello, all. Newbie here.


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Just happened across this site and was sooooo happy. Thought I would give a quick intro. My name is Christy. I am a SAHM of 3 little boys living in Arkansas and am a new chicken freak. We purchased our first babies in October. They are (girls) 1 each of White Leghorn, Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red, Gold Laced Wyandotte, and Dominique. The boys (they were supposed to be girls too...oops) are a Golden Campine, a White Leghorn, and a Red Star. I knew I was going to enjoy them, I had no clue I was going to fall head over heels in love.
They just started laying about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and with our 5 girls we are getting, generally, 4 eggs a day. Such wonderful little ladies. I plan to get new babies soon and I just can't wait. Anyway, I just wanted to say a quick hello. I am really glad to have found this site and will be back soon.

Hi Christi,
Please ignore our fun and games threads (well Unless you wanna join in???) we all go a little nutty some days (or nights)
I have RIR and Easter Eggers (Amerucanas) I also have a few others... they're so easy to keep and so entertaining!

Welcome aboard!!

BYC is a lot of fun!

People are a little crazy around here, but that is what makes it so entertaining, while you are learning new things.

Have fun!!

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