Hello all

Yes. They get layer pellets. The warm oatmeal is a nice warmup to start the day in this cold weather. The scratch is also to warm them up and give them something to do when stuck in the coop. .
Don't over fed treats. The won't get a "complete" diet if you do which will lead to problems down the road.
Scratch doesn't keep them any warmer than their complete feed does.
Yes. They get layer pellets. The warm oatmeal is a nice warmup to start the day in this cold weather. The scratch is also to warm them up and give them something to do when stuck in the coop. .
I would suggest 22% protein feed but with an 80 gram egg maybe you don't need it. I give mine scratch just before bed so I know their crops are full working to digest helps them stay warm also. Sounds like you are into chickens. LOL. Welcome.
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:highfive: I will agree that 80g is a massive size egg. Do you have older hens? Generally, Red Sex Links and Rhode Island reds eggs size will increase rapidly once they begin approaching 2 years of age. This often leads to egg bound problems or problems with the oviduct.

Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!

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