Hello, allow me to introduce you to my flock.


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2016
Nashville, TN.
I'm Mark and I've joined the fun filled world of raising BYC's. I currently have 3 hens, 1 Black Australorp (Shadow), 1 Rhode Island Red (Lucy) and 1 Barred Rock (Roxy). I started my flock in early December (it was 60 degrees outside at the time) and never really had any problems (once the pecking order was established.) I bought a coop-kit online and after assembling it, quickly realized that my girls would need more space. The coop itself is nice, but, the run was small and I wanted them to have more room to roam, so I built a 10x11 netted enclosure. I am feeding them all organic, non-gmo feed along with mealworms and they really seem to like it. 2 of my 3 hens are currently laying (started 2 weeks ago) and I'm hoping my Barred Rock will join in on the fun soon. I've already read quite a bit on the forums and I can only say that I wish I would have found this site sooner! The pics are of the current set up and a pic of the eggs and their color difference RR/BA.
Hi, welcome and congrats on your flock. Keeping chickens is a bit addictive to say the least. I hope that you enjoy being a member as much as the rest of us.


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