Hello!!:) (And breed identification questions)


6 Years
Hello everyone!!:) Well I've wanted chickens for several years now, and was surprised with two young ones for my birthday!! Best birthday ever!!!! I wondered also if anyone could help me identify at least one of their major breeds, they're from my friend's farm so they are very mixed I'm sure! But I'm just curious:) Any help would be great, here are some photos! Any additional questions about them I'd love to answer:) thanks guys!


Oh no, I didn't think I was getting two roosters! That's not good, considering it's only the two of them and we live in a quiet cranky neighborhood! How can you tell they are roosters at such a young age? Thank you so much!
X2 they are both roosters. How big are they? Could be part sablepoot/booted/d'Uccle bantam also.
Oh no, I didn't think I was getting two roosters! That's not good, considering it's only the two of them and we live in a quiet cranky neighborhood! How can you tell they are roosters at such a young age? Thank you so much!
I could tell from the comb size and redness, at that age chicks shouldn't have such a large and red comb.
Not big, I can pick either up with one hand. Teaches me to trust my non-farmer friend to pick them out for me! :p Thank you so much for letting me know, I'll have to return them to him I suppose.... Thank God they are still young! :confused: Sad though, they are gorgeous, and so happy.
Welcome to BYC
I agree, 2 roosters. They are cute though :)

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