Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Here is a picture of my sons 3 OEGB hens sunbathing. The blue hen and the silver duckwing hen are the two he took to fair. The spangled stayed home. She is getting pretty old and Isaac didn't want to stress her out.

the term sport is very loosely used by many OEGB folks. It is truely the throw back to a original parent variety bird and is the 1 in 10000 bird. However with so many in-experienced individuals involved with OEGB any light colored bird from a blue breeding is called a "sport". In any other breed the breeders would call it a splash.
here are some photos of 'Caramel' I believe he is an OEGB, I do know he is red pyle. He is near 6 months old now. we want to know if he has show potential because he will have to be dubbed soon. we love him and will keep him either way, but dont want to put him through my first attempt at dubbing unless he's got potential. His sickle feathers have been damaged by other larger roos, but his agility and flying skills keep him from more damage.



Hackle and saddle are too light, Wing Bow and wing bay is nearly absent, legs are too long, and tail is too short. You could enter him in a show but results would not likely be positive.
Hackle and saddle are too light, Wing Bow and wing bay is nearly absent, legs are too long, and tail is too short. You could enter him in a show but results would not likely be positive.

that's why breeding Red Pyles is so hard, Dominant white will dilute pheomelanin in homzygous form, this can be fixed by adding Mahogany and using heterozygous dominant white... some people use Splash but Splash also dilutes Pheomelanin...

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