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Thank you, that is what I need to know! I will keep her seperated until I get a brown red rooster.... Or decide to find her another home. I am sorry about the pictures--I couldn't even catch her with a net!!
If it is stippling I am seeing, that is not a desirable thing to be seeing in a brown red. It indicates bb red, or possibly silver duckwing, depending on if there is any birchen in her background. But, it also depends on what you are wanting to do with them.
I will give you some history on these birds. My father use to raise them and I believe he had BB Reds, Brown Reds and Blacks. I do not think he had any other colors. When he passed my mother turned them all out together and they have been doing their own thing for several years. For sentimental reasons I would like to use some of these little hens and try to get his colors back. I have no problem with culling birds but I would like to use some of his hens in my breeding program. At this time I only have a black rooster and a BB Red, both purchased and not related to these hens.

What do I hope to do with them--I hope my daughter can some day show them in 4-H or at a fair....
I understand that. You can take that brown red hen, and if she shows stippling, it can be bred out within a couple generations. If it showing stippling, you want to watch for white toes, white toe nails, white on the bottom of the feet. You would possibly see all those with BB Red being in there.
Thank you! We will definitely have a project here to work on for a few years! I hope to purchase some brown red chicks within this next year and hopefully get a little rooster to start our project going....
Depending on what you want to use them for, if you are wanting to show in the future, you would be better off getting with a breeder of good quality brown reds, either male or female line, and purchase a nice trio or two. It might cost a lil more, but if you want quality, you will not regret it in the long run, and I dont know any breeders of quality oegb that sell chicks. If you just want them for the yard, it wont matter as much. Good luck anyway.

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