Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

if they are old, they sometimes develop the white spots later; all is not lost. i shoot for mine to have solid black breasts (duckwing and b.b. red) between the ages of 7 and 24 months. after that i dont worry so much about it.
Well, if I can only get 10% or less to hatch, and then they die... I'll never know! I've given my friend another go with a new batch of eggs (discovered a wine cooler is perfect for egg collection/storage - too bad it's supposed to be my dads b-day present next month. Keeps perfect steady temp and can be set between 55 and 65 degrees) that I babied all the way to the incubator. First candle is tomorrow. Treated the lower half of the porous eggs with mineral oil to lessen the transpiration. Worth a try. Not that I'd want porous eggs in a breeder, just to see if it would work. May have to let Mr. Rooster still with no name (the kids have not named any of the adult birds. Weird.) cover my prod. RIR's just to get some viable eggs to get my new incubator figured out.
The other issue has been, if I need an influx of new blood, I can't find a 'match' with the birds I have. (see avatar, other pics I've posted here). <shrug> Doesn't make sense for me if it's not a sustainable thing, and as much as inbreeding works for a *while*... where do I get more of whatever it is I have (which has been argued about ad nauseum)?
But thanks for the encouragement. :)
im new to the whole NPIP thing and shipping chicks. i can try to send you some next spring, i think they will ship OK. im guessing a 100 chick shipper to you would be around $40 shipping, but as i said im new to this so im not sure.
Me too! Actually, I can't even get anyone to certify my flock until I have more than 30 'adult' birds. WA regs are basically because the ag dept is lazy, and they don't want to bother with small breeders. What's really weird, is I could pay my vet to test them, but I still wouldn't get certification until I pass 30 birds! How was your process in OH?
Will send you a PM...
A lemon blue sport roo, or brown red roo are the best options for trying to breed lemon blues! (Without using a lemon blue roo)

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