Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Anyone have any idea what color and sex these chicks may be? They are 3 weeks old. I hatched them from a mix of purebred eggs. .


Glad to find an OEGB thread!

I have two older quail bantams (adopted retired show hens about 4 years old) and a 1 year old BB Red hen. Just bought 11 BB Red hatching eggs which are being incubated now and hope to have two of my broody girls raise them.

I don't have any roosters and really want a little roo out of this clutch, I have red sometimes a couple of roosters will get along if raised together, is this true? They have a 40' x 40' outdoor pen (and a small coop) so space is not an issue.

Any thoughts on keeping two roos from the same clutch? Or is rehoming always a must?
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Glad to find an OEGB thread!

I have two older quail bantams (adopted retired show hens about 4 years old) and a 1 year old BB Red hen. Just bought 11 BB Red hatching eggs which are being incubated now and hope to have two of my broody girls raise them.

I don't have any roosters and really want a little roo out of this clutch, I have red sometimes a couple of roosters will get along if raised together, is this true? They have a 40' x 40' outdoor pen (and a small coop) so space is not an issue.

Any thoughts on keeping two roos from the same clutch? Or is rehoming always a must?
You will get a few squabbles until they decide who's boss but usually they will get along without bloodshed when raised together. At least I haven't had any issues.

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