Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

I really need to get some new pics of my Spangleds, however they do NOT like to stand still. Friendly yes, still no. Busy little boogers.

At about 9weeks they are all feathered out like little ladies and gentlemen. A couple are crowing, which is adorable, and fortunately even my husband finds it endearing. He's not a chicken enthusiast and a full size standard crow would drive him nuts. And I saw one, strangely my 'late bloomer- the last to pink up his comb, attempt to mount a pullet this morning. She was having none of it and brushed him off easily.

Since they have better developed their feathering my 'favorite' cockerel in the bunch has changed a bit. The one with the best mahogany coloring has an unattractive comb, unattractive but not twisted. I wasn't planning on dubbing, but his uneven spikes may drive me to it. The two with the perfectly shaped combs just don't have nearly as good a mahogany base... Although I think I'm supposed to wait on some more molting to make my final decisions on who stays and goes.

I've a 3 2month olds that I'm really certain are oegb. Gold-laced, silver-laced, and I'm guessing the term is brassy back..not certain. All boys & my only oegb from my feedstore pick. lol The 2 laced ones are more less inclined to be caught during the day, but still sweet. My other is a total sweetheart who'd rather be right with me.

Am I right that they're oegb? I've a couple of roos besides these guys & I can't keep all of them much as I'd like to..so I have to make some choices.I've heard/seen all 3 crow. Sorry about the pics, but Copper Penny & Silver Nickel weren't interested in posing today.

Thanks for the help!

Thank you oegbantams3, appreciate it. They're from Ideal (per the feed store) so they're not suppose to be mixed, but I'm sure ooops happens. I know the comb & leg color are 2 big differences to tell them apart..apart from hen feathering for the sebrights. They're still young so I know their look isn't really set...least if I'm understanding things right.
I have a 10-12 week old OEGB pullet that seems aggressive. As in she will peck, chest bump, and even kick her feet up at my hand when I go to pick her up.
Is it normal for them to go through this phase?
One of the boys will peck me when I pick him up, but I remember them being a little spicy like that.
All of my OEG bantam hens in the past have been super sweet(except when broody, then watch out), but this is my first time having them again in 25 years...
I have a 10-12 week old OEGB pullet that seems aggressive. As in she will peck, chest bump, and even kick her feet up at my hand when I go to pick her up.
Is it normal for them to go through this phase?
One of the boys will peck me when I pick him up, but I remember them being a little spicy like that.
All of my OEG bantam hens in the past have been super sweet(except when broody, then watch out), but this is my first time having them again in 25 years...
I had one like that. She's mellowed out a bit now that she's older, but she'll still fluff out her hackles and put out her chest when I go to pick her up.

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