Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

For anyone interested in discussing the OE more extensively we have a good number of threads going specific to variety on the following website http://www.oldenglishgamebantams.com/discussions

The site is not associated with the club and is open and free to join and discuss. A great forum with many helpfull experienced folks all questions welcome and will be answered.
I tried following this link, but it says the site has been suspended.

My March 1st Creles are starting to crow! Too cute!
I would appreciate it if those of you with more OEGB experience can tell me what you see in my birds. I know they look like hatchery quality, but I do not yet have an eye for what that means. I'm not thin skinned so critique away. If there is any thing good in them please let me know that too so I can learn. I have 4 roos and 2 pullets and I'm having trouble deciding which roo to keep. I'm not into showing just want to learn. I do plan on finding a BB red pullet to improve their color.
I can only tell one roo apart at this point, the one with a shorter comb. Guess I need some bands.
Yes, I clipped some wings. I can post more pics if that will help.
Love the pics.
Hi there everyone! I was wondering if someone could help me figure out the colors on these two. They came to me in an assortment from Ideal and at first I thought I may have had a pair of black-tailed buff OEGBs, but now I'm not so sure. They were both hatched January 4, 2012 so they are just over 4 months old.

Here is the little pullet. She has some black on the feathers down her black. So what are the thoughts here? A poorly colored black-tailed buff or a poorly colored ginger red?

And here is the little roo. He does have some black on his hackle and saddle feathers, but not an excessive amount. The top two pictures are current, the bottom one is when he was just a few weeks old. Same question once again, a poorly colored black-tailed buff or a poorly colored ginger red?

Thank you in advance!

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