Hello, another new chicken fan here.


7 Years
Jul 13, 2016
Pinconning Michigan
Hi, my name is Eric. I live in Pinconning Michigan. I just started messing with chickens this year...I shouldn't have waited so long!
So in late winter I bought an incubator and incubated 4 different groups of eggs- with about a 50% hatch rate. Also hatched several Rouen ducks. I ended up hatching around 50 birds. We supplemented a couple of my buddy's flocks and I got my own flock of 8 hens, a rooster and 4 ducks. This has really been an enjoyable hobby so far and this forum has all the information I ever needed and it is very refreshing to have a forum that is civilized, without all of the typical internet obnoxious ignorance that I get on some other hobby forums. What a bunch of nice and intelligent people!
Hello to all and thanks for the great wealth knowledge that is shared here!
May you all have happy chickens!
Hi :welcome Eric

Glad you could join the flock! Sounds like you are having a fantastic time with your flock and with incubation too. It sure is an amazing experience when the new life emerges from the egg :D
It's great to hear you have found BYC so helpful and an enjoyable place to be. It sure is packed with wonderful and knowledgable members. Thank you for the compliment.

Wishing you the very best of luck and keep on enjoying your time here :frow
Hi, welcome to BYC!

I also was refreshed by intelligent and caring peeps here.... no trolls!

Sounds like you are having a great adventure. I haven't gotten the guts to incubate yet (bought the bator a while back though). My rooms fluctuate temp about 10 degrees each day on average so I fear major failure.

With the wealth of info available here, I am sure I have already saved the lives of some of my flock!

I highly recommend fermented feed for nutrition and savings if you have the time or interest. Not sure how or if it works for ducks though.

Best wishes!
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I also was refreshed by intelligent and caring peeps here.... no trolls!

Sounds like you are having a great adventure. I haven't gotten the guts to incubate yet (bought the bator a while back though). My rooms fluctuate temp about 10 degrees each day on average so I fear major failure.

With the wealth of info available here, I am sure I have already saved the lives of some of my flock!

I highly recommend fermented feed for nutrition and savings if you have the time or interest. Not sure how or if it works for ducks though.

Best wishes!
Incubating was really enjoyable. My incubator came packaged in a styrofoam box. At first I used the incubator standing alone and had some issues with temp fluctuating. But then changed to putting the incubator back in the styrofoam packaging and the fluctuation all but became none existent. And this was in a wood heated pole barn that fluctuated temperature as much as 25 degrees easily thru the coarse of the day, in the early spring. My eggs actually hatched a couple days sooner after the better insulation (styrofoam). The egg incubation process is not as delicate as one would think. Haha I just figured I should be able to as good a job as a chicken. Good luck!
I take offence to the Troll comment I live under the bridge .......hehe no seriously I kind of do. :) I live about 2 hrs south of the Mac. bridge. Eric Im In your neck of the woods a few time a year.
What breed of chickens are you raising?
Haha well Shrek and his wife seemed like nice people...
I have 4 Isa browns and then a some barnyard variety including Wyandotte/isa brown/ black giant and ameruacana mixes. All strains have a silver laced Wyandotte roosters. And then I have three Rouen ducklings and one crested Rouen.
So where do you live?
Near traverse city. I have 2 Icelandic and 1 Icelandic EE mix, and 7 hatchery mix laying hens, and a couple bantam cochin silkie mix and two turkeys.
your flock sounds colorful. :)

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