Hello everyone!


Aug 15, 2019
Hiya! I'm just a young punk with a bio major that is eager to learn about all sorts of nuances when it comes to candling and incubation for fowl. I built my own incubator (After two days in a cooler with a hot water jar) and am trying out that old "Buy quail eggs from the store and see if they hatch" experiment, though I will admit I would love a quail pet. It's day 5, and still have zero idea if anything has worked.
I am also a falconer and think that, should I ever get into raptor breeding or conservation of bird species, the skills I could learn here will be invaluable.
I look forward to working with everybody!

Yes I have. The most I see in any of them is a dark-ish circle on the bottom of the egg. No distinguishable veining that I can see.

That video is kind of similar to what I see, less veins and more circular but darker then the surrounding. Plus I'm using an ipod flashlight to do it so not the best candler lol
Yes I have. The most I see in any of them is a dark-ish circle on the bottom of the egg. No distinguishable veining that I can see.
Not sure if that darkish circle is good or bad.

Can you try to get a photo tonight?
Yes I have. The most I see in any of them is a dark-ish circle on the bottom of the egg. No distinguishable veining that I can see.
There is a trick to holding the flashlight or light to better see inside the quail egg.

You want to make sure you're blocking all the surrounding light out of the flashlight and shining the light into the air south side.

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