Hello Everyone!


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 7, 2009
NW Indiana
My name is Ella, I'm 17 and I'm not quite new to raising chickens in the city, my parents raised some when I was 7-8 years old, but this is the first time I initiated it...sooo

We ordered 15 batam chicks from cackle hatchery and waiting for them to arrive, getting busy setting up a brooder and building a coop, hopefully next week or the week after.

I'm pretty up to date on the urban chicken care but your tips from experience would be welcome!

P.S. The chicks I ordered are 5 Silver Sebrights, 5 Buff/Black Japanese, and 5 Araucana, I'm SOOOOO excited!!!
Welcome Ella. Ive only been a member of BYC for about six weeks, but already Ive learnt way more than I ever have in books etc, this is an awsome friendly site, with so many folks eager to offer advise and help, no questions go unanswered! Enjoy your babies when they arrive, my five girls are 6.5 wks old and I dont know what Id do without them now, such a stress releaver!!! Welcome again!!!

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