Hello fellow poultry people!


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2020
I’m Julie and I am new to raising chickens. I have a family of 4. My husband and I have 2 girls 5 and 9. We have had ducks for 2 years and have raised from feed store babies, adopted/rescued several adults and hatched out 21 ducklings last summer. We have been thinning out our population. We had a major male over female balance issue. We had 8 males and 4 females but gave away some this week, now we have 4 males and 4 females with 1 currently sitting on a nest of 4 eggs. They should be born right around Easter!
We had adopted some chickens from a friend who moved and could not take her birds so we took 8 chickens from her. We let them free range, but unfortunately the neighbor’s dog came and killed all but our 1 chicken we call Rainbow! So we just added 8 chicks to the mix! 2 Buff Orpington, 2 RIR, 2 Speckled Sussex and 2 Easter eggers. Not 100% sure if there really are 2 EE because 3 look very similar.

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