Hello for Alabama

Welcome to BYC from a fellow Alabamian. I'm from North Alabama.

Have fun building your coop!

For our weather, I recommend covered open-air coops. Unless you really want one, you don't need an actual traditional coop at all - they often don't have enough ventilation for our hot and muggy southern summers. Hoop coops, box stalls with a roof / lean-tos, converted sheds, etc make great chicken coops. You will need at least 3 square foot ventilation above the chicken's heads for each chicken in the coop.

Chickens are similar to dogs in that they can be kept outside year round in our climate (not that I personally would keep a dog outside year round, but anyway).

Electric fencing (Premier one is a good brand) is common for a protected outdoor run area.

Build page for my greenhouse coop/open-air covered run. It's basically a large hoop coop. We got down to -9F this winter (totally not normal here) and my rooster had a bit of frostbite on his comb tips. No one lost toes or had any other injuries - covered greenhouse for the win!


Highly recommend something you can walk inside - so much easier to maintain and have more fun time with the girls.

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