Hello from a new member in Derbyshire!


6 Years
Jun 5, 2013
Hi everyone! I am from Derbyshire and I am the proud owner of a Staffordshire Bull Terrrier, English Bull Dog, 3 black cats, 2 rabbits, 8 chucks (1 Jersey giant called Petal, 2 fravells named pumpkin and turnip, 3 french marans named Crepe, Juliette and Antoinette, 1 buff orpington named crunchy nut, 1 game bird named road runner), 4 aylesburys named Abigail, Amelia, romeo and Harry and we've just got 5 new ducklings.

I just wondered if I could ask a quick question about my duckings? I purchased them from a wholesalers, who purchased them from a bloke who placed some eggs in an incubator. The wholesaler said they were mixed aylesburys, khaki's and call ducks. My duckings are dark with yellow colouring around the eyes with black lines through the yellow bits. Ive looked on-line and I'm wondering if they are some form of hybrid as khaki ducklings are quite dark. I will post some pictures on-line later to make it clearer to folks.


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