Hello from Alaska

Thank you for your input on RIRs. I might stay clear if they're bossy and don't mix as well as other breeds. I have a few local friends with chickens but don't know the breeds. I'll have to ask them.
Right now we have Black Sex Links, Buff Orpingtons, Black Copper Marans, Welsummers, Light Brahmas and am trying to find Easter Egger hatching eggs so eventually we can have Olive Eggers as well! All are great layers and we really appreciate the mixed colors in the egg cartons as do our customers!
We have EE, leghorns (frostbite can be an issue but mine have heat), and a silver spangled hamburg. All have layed through the winter. They even venture out to roam on days where it's above 20 degrees. I am getting an order next week for 4 more EE, two rare marans, a coocoo maran, a salmon favorelle,1 silver and 1 golden lace Wyandotte, a NH red, Dominique, barred rock, a golden campine, a speckled Sussex, and a Meyer meal maker (surprise from the hatchery). I won't keep them all but will brood them for several months to see which ones I like. I will swap meet the rest. I'm in wasilla and there is a Saturday swap meet at animal food warehouse in palmer all summer. I've ordered from McMurray and Meyer with good results. Craigslist is a good place to look for barnyard mixes in AK too. Lots of people hatch there backyard flock and sell chicks in the spring. Good luck and welcome to raising chickens.

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