Hello from Arizona - Need help on re-introducing an injured chicken to the flock!


6 Years
Jan 6, 2014
Hi there. I decided after reading alot of your members' comments and constantly seeking advice from this website, that I would join! I do have a dilemma.

We have 6 Golden Comet hens. They will be 2 years old in April and we've had them together since they were a day old. We have never had any problems with them until now.

About a few months ago, one of our hens started looking bald in a couple areas, but we assumed it was normal (like molting). Then, we discovered one evening that she had some blood in the area so we watched what was going on and several other chickens were picking at her.

After researching online what to do, we cleaned her up and originally put Bag Balm on her. I was reading about BluKote and Pine Tar also. It seems several people have the opinion that you cannot eat the chicken if BluKote is used, so we decided to try Pine Tar just in case.

We also isolated her in a separate area - dog crate with fencing.

We read that this could be caused by a vitamin deficiency or protein deficiency - so we added vinegar to their water and have increased meat scraps and mealworms.

After several days to one week, we tried to re-introduce her and they started to attack her! So, we put her back out in the dog crate and I did more research. I read that we could try taking out the aggressive hens and isolate them, thus giving her more of a chance to re-establish her pecking order with the rest of the hens. We took out the 2 most aggressive hens and they have been in isolation for several days now.

However, when I went out there yesterday, she is still getting pecked on from the other 3 hens. I don't know what else to do. I applied more pine tar and this helped but I fear that they will still go after her.

My husband also needs his space back where the isolated hens are and I need to eventually (sooner than later) put the other 2 aggressive hens back in with the flock. I'm afraid that once I do that, it will be over for her.

Is there anything else I can try?
Thank you so much for enduring this long post and welcoming me into your group!!
Hi, Tracy, welcome to BYC. Do an online search on Pinless Peepers. They can be applied and frequently once the problem is resolved they can be removed and the birds will 'behave'.
Thank you so much! I just found a website that sells them. How long do you think they should stay on before removing them? I would hate to remove them too soon and then have them start attacking the poor hen again.

Thank you :)
Hi there,
and welcome to BYC!

Here is how they work.....

Mean hen gets pinless peepers. This hen was absolutely brutal at 3 months old. To me AND the other hens. It was either send her to the stew pot or set her up with eyewear. These peepers don't allow the bird to see directly in front of them so they can not aim, point and fire off their beaks at you, feathers, combs, what have you. The bird can see to the sides, down and up. They need to be worn for a minimum of 1 month, 2 months preferred. If you take them off earlier than this, they go back to their old ways. This hen has worn them on and off for about 2 years. When ever she got too aggresive with the other hens. She is now 3 years old and hasn't had to wear them in almost a year. She has definitely piped down. The peepers can help adjust the attitude to some degree. Your hen may learn quicker than this girl did. She was a tyrant. LOL They sell pliers to get them on, however if you towel up the bird on your lap, hold the beak and have someone put them on, you can do it with out the tool. Make sure to center them on the beak and they are in the nostril hole. If you have any trouble or questions when you get them, you can PM me and I will help you from there. :)

It takes them a few days to get the hang of eating and drinking as it takes them time to see things differently. But don't fret. A day or so later, and they forget the peepers are on. Eventually they get the hang of things. I felt sorry for her after a few hours the first time I put them on and took them off of her. But when I saw her bully on another hen again, my sympathy went right out the window for her. LOL And back on they went!

Good luck with your hen and enjoy BYC!
Hi there,
and welcome to BYC!

Here is how they work.....

Mean hen gets pinless peepers. This hen was absolutely brutal at 3 months old. To me AND the other hens. It was either send her to the stew pot or set her up with eyewear. These peepers don't allow the bird to see directly in front of them so they can not aim, point and fire off their beaks at you, feathers, combs, what have you. The bird can see to the sides, down and up. They need to be worn for a minimum of 1 month, 2 months preferred. If you take them off earlier than this, they go back to their old ways. This hen has worn them on and off for about 2 years. When ever she got too aggresive with the other hens. She is now 3 years old and hasn't had to wear them in almost a year. She has definitely piped down. The peepers can help adjust the attitude to some degree. Your hen may learn quicker than this girl did. She was a tyrant. LOL They sell pliers to get them on, however if you towel up the bird on your lap, hold the beak and have someone put them on, you can do it with out the tool. Make sure to center them on the beak and they are in the nostril hole. If you have any trouble or questions when you get them, you can PM me and I will help you from there. :)

It takes them a few days to get the hang of eating and drinking as it takes them time to see things differently. But don't fret. A day or so later, and they forget the peepers are on. Eventually they get the hang of things. I felt sorry for her after a few hours the first time I put them on and took them off of her. But when I saw her bully on another hen again, my sympathy went right out the window for her. LOL And back on they went!

Good luck with your hen and enjoy BYC!

Oh, thank you so much for this information and picture. This is really a big help to me. I am going to order some of these peepers and give them a try. :)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your girl, hope the peepers work on the mean girls.
I would separate the hen from the others by using chicken wire between them. this way they can get used to each other over time. If you let your other hens out of the run to range, you could try letting her out with them. they will most likely be busy looking for insects, That is how I introduced them to my older hens. Of course, This time of year is different. you may try introducing her to the others while they are roosting at night. Just watch her closely if they are THAT aggressive.

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