Hello from Colorado!


8 Years
Dec 31, 2011
Hello Everyone,

My name is Steve, I live in Colorado, I recently moved to small farm and want to raise chickens (among other livestock) I recently purchased a chicken coop with 8 chickens(5-6 weeks old) that came with it. So far, its been fun, my question is, Here in Colorado, it gets cold at night, I put hay in the bottom of the coop and I'm wondering if that is sufficient enough to keep the chickens warm or do I need to put a heat lamp in? Any suggestions?

Keep the wind off them and feed them well. I'd be worried about predators, too
from Long Island!
Chickens have survived for thousands of years without humans.
But when we cage them up, they can't leave and find a better place.
5-6 weeks is a little early to be outside on their own, keep them dry.
They need ventilation, without it, moisture buildup can be worse than being without heat.
Best of luck with them!
Welcome to BYC. I new to chickens too, but I would observe them and see how they are doing. Are they huddled together all day? Walking around and just being chickens? Are they fully feathered out? If they seem comfortable, they probably are. If not, I would think about a little extra heat because they are still rather young. Good luck!
Welcome to byc. Maybe get a heated waterer or a light with a 100 watt bulb, just to take the chill off. They are young, better safe than sorry.Deb

My chickens are spoiled, I put on the heat lamp when it gets in the low 30's.
Which is only a couple of times her in the winter!

My daughter and her husband live in Eagle, CO.
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