Hello from Florida

Hi I am Bob from Blountstown Florida. I have had chickens years ago but have just gotten back in to the joys of raising them.
Currently we have nearly 125 birds consisting of Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, Brown Leghorns, New Hampshires, Cinnamon Queens, Yokohamas, Saipans, Guineas, French Black Copper Marans, Ayam Cemani, and Coturnix quail.
I love seeing my girls come running to see me whenever I walk out the door, then when I give them treats and seeing them peck and scratch. When they are done eating they always come over to me to be picked up or to be pet (except for the leghorns of course). We are going to start a breeding program with our Marans, Cemanis, Easter Eggers and the quail.
My other hobbies are gardening and DIY projects.
I have been following threads on this awesome site for several months now but I have some questions for the community and figured I would sign up and get involved.[/QUO

Welcome :) Was born and raised FL. Born in Stuart .. raised in Jax.
Howdy Bob :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens!

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
Hi Sean, can I tap in to your vast experience please? I have some roosters that were given to me that are about 7 months old now. I bought hen chicks to go with them, I read that the ratio should be 10 hens to 1 rooster, if they are the same breed can I put all 41 birds in the same coop amd let natural selection win out or should they be 11 birds in a coop by themselves? I am going to build the coop or coops accordingly, but just trying to figure out which way I should go. The roosters are already fighting amongst themselves and I get a feeling that it will get worse once the girls are added to the mix. One other question with the age difference (6 months) when should the girls be introduced to the roosters?

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