Hello from Georgia!


Mar 27, 2017
Henry County
Hey Y'all!

Greetings from GA by way of Stockbridge. I'm a new home owner and after a recent family tragedy, I've been working on doing the things that I've always wanted to do but didn't have the means to do them. With the new house, I now have the land to do what I want and with the small amount of unexpected money I received from unknown life insurance, I decided to put it toward a gift that keeps giving. I guess you can say I'm using my grieving to learn how to live my life to the fullest! For most that means doing something wild or taking a random trip, but for me it's as simple as finally raising chickens.
I probably love eggs a little more than the usual person, so owning chickens one day has always been a goal of mine. I am also an avid lover of animals so this is very exciting.
The process of building the coop/run is very exciting as well! I love outdoor work so this whole process has been very rewarding.
Sidenote: Thanks you to BYC for letting me know how dangerous hawks are, I almost set up a open feast for them with my original run plans.
I've been reading BYC for months now in preparation of the chickens that I will be receiving next week. BYC helped me with my decision to chose some older chickens this time round. I plan to try chicks at a later time when I'm ready for that whole process. My 4 Buff Orpington pullets that I got from MM will arrive next week. Pretty much every single question I have had was answered on this site just by searching (very comforting to know that I'm not a complete idiot and others have the same questions as me).
I'm happy to have finally joined BYC! I look forward to continuing to read about everyone else's endeavors and also get help with my own while raising our chickens.

Wonderful intro, thank you for that! I commend your decision to make something good come out of tragedy. Chickens are highly entertaining (and those eggs are a great bonus). Glad to hear BYC has been as useful to you as it has to so many others.

Best wishes for all your plans, make yourself at home here!
Thank you for the welcome and well wishes. I'm going to enjoy watching their quirky behavior. I have three very entertaining pets already so I'm sure the four hens will make our interesting family even more complete haha
G’Day from down under AfroChickens

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out

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