Hello from HenStack22


In the Brooder
Feb 8, 2023
Hi! My family got started raising chickens last year, when we bought 3 chicks from our local feed store. The girls are now about 9 months old, and they are all laying eggs happily. Deza is a Lavender Orpington, Flumpo is an Easter Egger, and little Jan is a Cream Legbar. Jan is the smallest of the three, perhaps due to some digestive issues she had early in life. Thanks to posts on this forum, I was able to diagnose it and help her get better.

Recently, Jan has developed a sore leg, which prompted me to join this group officially.

My husband's family had chickens when he was a child, but this is my first experience with chickens. Our girls live in an Eglu, and they keep us entertained with their personalities and activities.

In my non-chicken hours, I'm a librarian at our local public library, and my husband homeschools & takes care of our kids.

It's great to be here!
Hi! My family got started raising chickens last year, when we bought 3 chicks from our local feed store. The girls are now about 9 months old, and they are all laying eggs happily. Deza is a Lavender Orpington, Flumpo is an Easter Egger, and little Jan is a Cream Legbar. Jan is the smallest of the three, perhaps due to some digestive issues she had early in life. Thanks to posts on this forum, I was able to diagnose it and help her get better.

Recently, Jan has developed a sore leg, which prompted me to join this group officially.

My husband's family had chickens when he was a child, but this is my first experience with chickens. Our girls live in an Eglu, and they keep us entertained with their personalities and activities.

In my non-chicken hours, I'm a librarian at our local public library, and my husband homeschools & takes care of our kids.

It's great to be here!
Welcome to BYC!!
Hey there, and welcome to BYC.

I also have a lame hen. In my bird's case, I think she strained or sprained her hock (her elbow?) getting her foot caught. It has never gone away. She seems to hang in there and is a tough little bird. I hope your hurt chicken gets better. I have tried warm epsom salt soaks on her leg and then some PRID drawing salve. She does not like being treated, but she also doesn't like being lame. Good luck!

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