hello from Idaho


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Hi everyone! This is Joe. I've read a lot of raising chickens and so far we have had some baby chick's we're raising and out of 12 we lost 1 in the first 3 days due to mushy chick disease. But besides that I don't have a clue about raising chickens but it's been a blast! I'm open to any tips and info about coop building and upkeep, and everything poultry. Woo hoo!

Welcome to BYC!

Sorry about the baby you lost. Not all of them make it to adulthood sometimes. You will want to do some reading in our learning center here on BYC. Lots of good reads on all aspects of keeping your new brood....


Enjoy your new babies! Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
Hi and welcome to BYC - What part of Idaho are you in? I was born and raised in Idaho (central mountain area) and sure do miss "home"!

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