Hello from Maine


6 Years
Jun 16, 2013
First off, I am rather new to the chicken world. I married a dairy farmer back in '07, and have raised a few Rhode Island red layers that were on the farm (and became one of my jobs to take care of), but I am still learning! I've just rebuilt my flock, as my reds were starting to die off from old age, just lost my last two out of eight this past winter at the age of 17.

Currently I have 25 chickens, 6 are bantams, 7 are red sex-links, 6 I think make be gold sex-links, 3 unknown, and 3 ameraucana.

I enjoy pretty much anything to do with farming. I love raising animals, milking the cows, gardening, canning, cooking, sewing, and anything to do with growing/raising my own food.

My husband and I do not have any children at this time, although we hope to whenever it happens. We do have a fur baby, our black lab/english setter mix, Rosie, who is a year old.
First off, I am rather new to the chicken world. I married a dairy farmer back in '07, and have raised a few Rhode Island red layers that were on the farm (and became one of my jobs to take care of), but I am still learning! I've just rebuilt my flock, as my reds were starting to die off from old age, just lost my last two out of eight this past winter at the age of 17.

Currently I have 25 chickens, 6 are bantams, 7 are red sex-links, 6 I think make be gold sex-links, 3 unknown, and 3 ameraucana.

I enjoy pretty much anything to do with farming. I love raising animals, milking the cows, gardening, canning, cooking, sewing, and anything to do with growing/raising my own food.

My husband and I do not have any children at this time, although we hope to whenever it happens. We do have a fur baby, our black lab/english setter mix, Rosie, who is a year old.
Welcome to BYC, You will love it here

we are glad to have your here
Well, Well...welcome Gerfette.

I had to run over and check out your little blog thing.
We can make this work...what a beautiful farm you have.
And in Maine, even. That's far far away.

You say you don't have any children yet? We can help you out.
How do you feel about summer camp? I'll gladly send you one
for the summer. (I bet some other members will throw in a few)

Spook....who really wouldn't take anything for his daughter.
I'm in maine also ... just startin my adventure with chickens this spring along with my gf. we have 6 partridge Plymouth rocks that are 9 wks and 5 buff orp's that are a week and half, and 13 golden sex links in the incubator. if you need a rooster I have 5 =( but there funny as hell to watch.
Hi and :welcome

Glad to have you here, you should fit right in. :D Your farm (in your avatar) looks so beautiful.

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