Hello from Maine


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 6, 2014
Hi, My name is Bret,

My wife and I are quite new to chickens. We got them because we have a large family (6) with a large appetite for eggs :D We live in a classic 1865 New England farmhouse that has been in my family it's entire existence. My wife found a healthy flock of 8 birds on craigslist that desperately needed to be rehomed. According to my dad (who has an Ag degree from Michigan State); we have 1 buff orpington, 1 barred rock, 2 rhode island reds, and 4 new hampshire reds. The buff and barred are 2years old, and the rest are 8 months according to their previous owners. The birds also were well handled and don't peck people and will stay calm when you pick them up.

Our girl's coop I converted out of 2 of the cow stalls in our barn's tie-up. they've got a 10X12 area, 5 nest boxes, and a couple roosts at different heights. They don't have a run yet.. that will have to wait until the ground thaws.

I've been reading this site quite a bit recently doing research... My dad has been helpful, but is much more of a dairyman. Our family chicken expert, my grandfather (and previous owner of my home) passed on 2 1/2 years ago. In fact, I am using some of his "chicken stuff" that I found in my barn :D.

I grew up on a dairy farm, and my wife and I have a substantial garden every year. We've found ourselves with a desire to reduce our dependence on the supermarket, and have been steadily moving in that direction.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

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