Hi there! I live in Midtown and I've had chickens since February, my roommate actually found a chicken in an alleyway, and being the animal lovers that we are (we're both vet techs) we decided to keep it. We built a coop of some sort under our outside stair well, got 3 more chickens, and they have been there ever since, and in the front yard when I'm outside doing homework. With the cold weather coming up, I bought a coop from a friend, but it's not very ventilated, hard to clean, and just NOT what I really wanted, but I was desperate and poor. I'm in nursing school at UNR, and still working 1 day a week at a vet's office, but I need some chicken help! I really can't afford to buy a coop, and I really don't have the time to build one. Any Renoites willing to help a girl out with building one?? I LOVE my chickens, but I know that their environment isn't what it should be, and I'm starting to get worried for what's going to happen during the winter! Only one of them was laying this summer, and she has stopped. Any help would be greatly appreciated!