Hello from OK USA

Hi, my name is Lori Fry and I live in east central Oklahoma. I've had chickens since 2000 and have used this site often to search for answers to problems or get advice.

Right now, I have 10 new Leghorn pullet 'chicks' that are 2 months old. I have 3 older hens that have survived the various predations of living rural such as coyotes, bobcats and hawks. I used this site to learn about the best way to introduce them and all went smoothly. One of the older hens who had stopped laying recently, they are all 2+ years old, started laying again 2 weeks ago!

I love just watching them and the young ones love to run and fly when I let them out of their coop during the day. We let them out of their house to free range around 9-10 each morning and put them to bed about an hour before sundown. Dusk and dawn seem to be the primary time of day for Bobcat sightings.

I decided to join as I wanted to start asking questions from the group. I learned something new from my very first posting, brooder thermometers don't use mercury. Good to know!
Also hoping I can be some help to members that are new to the wonderful world of chickens.

Lori Fry
Welcome to BYC!!

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