hello from Pennsylvania

chiques chicks

7 Years
May 11, 2012
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
A quick intro of myself.
Have gotten my first chickens this spring as I work on developing.g my gardens and fruit trees, as well. As a youth, I worked in commercial chicken houses in the '70s, so I'm familiar with them to some extent.
As I planned to get chickens and decided what to get, I picked up six cornish x at the feed store for practice. Five survived and are now in the freezer.
My flock consists of 14 SLW (8 wks, straight run) currently in a small coop, and 6 EE (4 wks, pulleys) still in a brooder. In a week or so I plan to itegrate them in a larger 7x8 coop that is nearly finished. I will cull the flock down to about 12 or 13 total, keeping one rooster, as well as provide a 16x8 run. The SLW came from an online hatchery, the EE from a local equine, farm and pet store.
My plan is to provide both meat and eggs. The coop is movable and next to my garden so I can annually move it to allow the birds to turn and fertilize an different fallow garden area each year as well as turn new areas into garden. They also help supply my compost pile.
My free time is mostly spent trying to keep up with my 5+acres with my old dog, renovating my old house, and trying to begin providing for myself, but I also enjoy photography, fishing, hunting, boating, I'm a good cook, and Ilike spending time with and helping friends. I volunteer my labor on projects for a local church and mentor a teenager, who helps some weekends.
I may not post often, aso I primarily use a phone for internet, but try to keep up on here. I will try at some point to post some pics of my birds and coop where appropriate .
Hello and welcome ! Sounds like we have much in common as I am also renovating an old home and on about 5 acres, Planning to use my Flock as both Egg producers and Meat .. I am rapidly increasing all I can do have as much of a Home steading life style as I can fit in here .. Welcome TO BYC
A quick intro of myself.
Have gotten my first chickens this spring as I work on developing.g my gardens and fruit trees, as well. As a youth, I worked in commercial chicken houses in the '70s, so I'm familiar with them to some extent.
As I planned to get chickens and decided what to get, I picked up six cornish x at the feed store for practice. Five survived and are now in the freezer.
My flock consists of 14 SLW (8 wks, straight run) currently in a small coop, and 6 EE (4 wks, pulleys) still in a brooder. In a week or so I plan to itegrate them in a larger 7x8 coop that is nearly finished. I will cull the flock down to about 12 or 13 total, keeping one rooster, as well as provide a 16x8 run. The SLW came from an online hatchery, the EE from a local equine, farm and pet store.
My plan is to provide both meat and eggs. The coop is movable and next to my garden so I can annually move it to allow the birds to turn and fertilize an different fallow garden area each year as well as turn new areas into garden. They also help supply my compost pile.
My free time is mostly spent trying to keep up with my 5+acres with my old dog, renovating my old house, and trying to begin providing for myself, but I also enjoy photography, fishing, hunting, boating, I'm a good cook, and Ilike spending time with and helping friends. I volunteer my labor on projects for a local church and mentor a teenager, who helps some weekends.
I may not post often, aso I primarily use a phone for internet, but try to keep up on here. I will try at some point to post some pics of my birds and coop where appropriate .

Welcome from just outside Carlisle. We have a VERY active PA state thread. Lots of local people to help you find good quality birds, supplies and feed!

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