Hello from South Carolina!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Hi there. I'm relatively new to chickens, but I'm hoping to learn all I can. I've already been referring to threads on this forum when they can answer questions I have, so I thought it'd be a good idea to go ahead and join in case I have any that can't be answered by existing threads.

I currently have a small flock of 14 hens, mostly gamefowl with a few brown leghorns and mutts, and a few gamefowl roosters (well separated, don't worry!) that were given to me by my grandfather. I have three marans chicks and two speckled sussex chicks to raise this spring and I'm hoping to learn more so that I branch out and explore to find a breed or two that I truly love and can take on as a long-term project.

I look forward to what I can learn from the experienced poultry keepers here on the BYC forums.
Well, I mostly want a good layer of large light-to-medium brown eggs with some nice eye-candy if possible... so as a result, I'm thinking about trying some Swedish Flower Chickens; I've heard a lot of good about them... I figure I'll probably end up with a wide variety and then I can selectively breed for the traits I prefer, namely the moderately dark brown eggs. It helps that I LOVE a hen with a tuft on her head. It's so cute, I just can't resist it. Really the only negative I've heard is about aggressive roosters, and I am all sorts of over trying to deal with aggressive roosters. I actually just had both my hands torn up yesterday by one of my grandfather's game roosters when I tried to open his pen to feed him. If he weren't such a valuable rooster I think he might have been on his way to the freezer after that. Heh. I think I can probably deal with it, though, considering that I can always decide to only breed the gentlest roosters and cull the rest. I don't like the culling process, but I'd much rather eat a bird that I know has been treated well than one from the supermarket.

I'm still totally open to trying other breeds, though, so feel free to make suggestions. I can definitely work with other things, just be mindful that I'm more in it for eggs and appearance than meat.

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, it is always fun to branch out and try new breeds. The swedish flower chickens are a very pretty breed too! As for aggressive roosters, there are lots of threads here on BYC on how to work with a roo hat attacks you and how to gain control. Not all roosters respond to these methods, but it is worth a try...


So glad you could join our community! Enjoy all these new poultry projects. You have come to the right place for learning and also sharing your experiences as well!
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